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Read for Wellness


The Read for Wellness program ignites reading culture and enables well-being through e-resources supporting the needs of at-risk children impacted by chronic illness, so they can be empowered and thrive, despite their condition.

Through partnered pediatric hospitals, we provide qualified patients with a free Kindle e-reader supplied with effective, key resources, and approved by medical and educational professionals for areas of greatest need:

General Literacy: Books to build skills and a culture of reading, to bring joy, comfort, learning, inspiration & escape, appropriate for age, interests, and level..
Therapeutic: Books that provide emotional support, and topics to navigate mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness & self-esteem.
Health Literacy: Books to educate and empower the patient and family to self-advocate, make informed health decisions and practice ongoing self-care.
We focus on children from low-income and medically underserved populations whose health condition requires long, or frequent hospital stays and ongoing treatments which impede their school attendance and disrupt learning.

How Donations Work
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