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Fight for cleaner air


What we're doing: Through science, advocacy, and the courts, we're defending existing clean air standards and working to prevent policy loopholes that expose many Americans to air pollution.
Why: Air pollutants take a steep toll on human health. Clean air standards will save thousands of lives – especially in at-risk communities – and must be protected and enforced.

-Use technology to better understand and address air pollution
Air pollution is harmful to our health. It's also invisible and hard to measure. So with Google, we're mapping it to understand its health impacts – in detail that was nearly impossible before.

-Protect Americans from smog and other dangerous air pollutants
We're defending standards that limit smog, soot and other pollutants that cause asthma attacks and other serious health problems.

-Trim pollutants from oil and gas development
We're defending and advancing policies that protect communities near oil and gas production facilities.

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