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PASADENA, California

The Pasadena Community Foundation was established in 1953 and has served the greater Pasadena community for 60 years.

What We Do:
A community foundation is a tax-exempt public charity created by and for the people in a local area.
It enables people with philanthropic interests and a commitment to their community to easily and effectively support the issues they care about – immediately, or through their will. Donors can establish a charitable fund at the Pasadena Community Foundation by contributing a variety of assets and may - depending on the type of fund established - also recommend ... 자세히 알아보기

기부 방식
‘지금 기부하기’ 버튼을 클릭한 후 기부 금액을 결정하세요. 그러면 선택한 지불 프로세서 페이지로 이동됩니다. 기부가 처리되면 선택한 자선 단체로 발송됩니다.

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