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Donate to causes highlighted by Jamf

Sobre esta Oportunidades para doações

A donation to this Giving Opportunity will be evenly distributed between the following partner causes.  These  causes align with Jamfs focus on the UN Sustainability Development Goals.  The following causes are being highlighted because Jamf has had long standing relationships with them, they align with Jamfs values and interests, and/or meet the heath needs in times of crisis and disasters.


  • Code2College: To improve diversity in tech entrepreneurship by equipping students from historically under estimated backgrounds with both the technical and adaptive skills to thrive in a competitive technical landscape, as well as helping them forge a viable pathway into the technology field.


  • MATTER Innovation Hub & MATTER Career Readiness Institute: Changing education in Zimbabwe through technology and innovation.


  • Mac Admins Foundation: The Mac Admins Foundation exists in order to advance the global community of people who manage Apple devices at large and small scales.


  • Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF): To deliver medical relief to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from health care, without regard to race, religion, or political affiliation.

Causas nesta Oportunidades para doações


Washington, District Of Columbia, 20036-2827, United States

MATTER Innovation Hub/MATTER Career Readiness Program por MATTER

St. Louis Park, Minnesota, 55426-0000, United States


Pflugerville, Texas, 78660-3497, United States

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

New York, New York, 10006, United States

Como funcionam as doações
Clique em qualquer botão "Doe agora" e, em seguida, decida o valor da sua doação. Você será então direcionado ao processador de pagamento de sua escolha. Depois que sua doação for processada, será enviada para a instituição beneficente de sua escolha.

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