Chuyển đến phần nội dung chính
Cao nhất

Improve oversight and safety of chemicals


Toxic chemicals are in our everyday surroundings, including household products, food and water.We're working to protect health by reducing exposures to these substances.

What we're doing about it:
-Defending the new chemical safety law
In 2016, we helped get a badly needed update to the decades-old chemical safety law. We're working to make sure the new law protects us.

-Putting safer products on the shelf
With our help, Walmart – the world's largest retailer – is taking millions of pounds of hazardous chemicals out of products we use every day.

-Harnessing new technology
There's little data about which chemicals we're exposed to every day. Technology like chemical-detecting wristbands is helping us learn more.

-Making our food safer
We're working to make food safer by strengthening policies and working with retailers and grocers to remove hazardous chemicals.

-Reducing children's lead exposure
America’s toxic legacy of lead continues to threaten children’s health. We’re taking on the major sources of lead exposure.

Các khoản quyên góp hoạt động ra sao
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