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Support UNICEF's Emergency Response in Central America


Hurricane Eta made landfall on November 3 on the northern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. Heavy rainfall led to catastrophic, life-threatening flooding and landslides across Central America. Before much recovery could happen, Hurricane Iota made landfall on November 17 affecting many of the communities already impacted by Eta, as well as many additional ones. These hurricanes are compounding issues brought on by COVID-19, including disruptions in access to water and sanitation services and key health services.

According to initial estimations by UNICEF, at least 3.4 million people need urgent support, including 1.3 million children in the most affected communities in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

With your help, UNICEF can continue to offer safe spaces for families to shelter, distribute hygiene kits, keep children learning, and provide the support children need to cope with their trauma.

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