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California Wildfire Response (including LA Fires)


Direct Relief is actively responding to the fires across the southland, including the Palisades and Eaton fires in Los Angeles.

Direct Relief has offered support to all relevant emergency response teams across the southland and plans to distribute N95s for individuals in affected areas. It also plans to provide comfort/hygiene kits for displaced families. Please visit Direct Relief’s Newsfeed at for up-to-date information on these responses.

Direct Relief generally responds for the duration of fire events, supporting emergency responders (including firefighters) with emergency packs and gear where needed, individuals with comfort kits and N95 masks to filter out ash particulates, and medicines and medical assistance to its network of community-based healthcare clinics across the region (300+ in the LA market).

In addition, Direct Relief works to mitigate the impact of these type of events by providing nonprofit healthcare clinics which support underserved communities with sustainability solutions – including solar and backup battery power so clinics may remain operational and support communities before, during and after climate-based weather events.

For more information on Direct Relief and its mission, please visit its website at

Thank you for supporting the work.

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