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Los Angeles, California

The Mission of the Loo Angeles Regional Food Bank is to mobilize resources to fight hunger in our community. To fulfill our mission, we source and acquire food and other products and distribute them to needy people through charitable agencies or directly through programs; conduct hunger education and awareness campaigns and advocate for public policies that alleviate hunger; and energize the community to get involved and support hunger relief.

Since 1973, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has distributed more than 1 billion pounds of food. It provides food to 320,000 people every month and in 2015 we distributed 52 million meals - that's more than 62 million pounds of food. 20 percent of that food is fresh produce.

The Food Bank collects food from hundreds of resources, which - with the help of 27,000 volunteers annually - it distributes through a network of more than 600 partner agencies. 97 percent of revenue raised goes directly to programs. Our efficiency and effectiveness led the LA Business Journal to name the Food Bank as the "Nonprofit Organization of the Year" among large local organizations in 2013.

Các khoản quyên góp hoạt động ra sao
Nhấp vào nút "Quyên góp ngay" bất kỳ rồi quyết định số tiền quyên góp của bạn. Sau đó, bạn sẽ được chuyển tiếp đến đơn vị xử lý khoản thanh toán mà bạn lựa chọn. Sau khi được xử lý, khoản quyên góp của bạn sẽ được gửi đến tổ chức từ thiện mà bạn chọn.

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